Stories tagged with "pussy licking"
Girls Will Be Girls
Her new roommate gives her a warm welcome to the sorority.
I know you know what I'm talking about. You have a crazy intense crush on someone for the longest time, and they never even give you the time of day. Then just when you completely lose interest in them, something magically happens. And just like that, they suddenly want you. This happened to me recently with a guy I met through mutual friends. I had to interview him for a story. And from that moment, I was hopelessly obsessed with him. It was terrible. His name was Joe, and he owned a bike shop. And I would come up with all kinds of excuses to stop by to see him, and I didn't even own a bike. So I would drop by on my way home and meander through the shop, pretending to be interested in bike seats and tires. And then Joe would make his way out to the counter, and I'd see him. Hey, Joe, what a surprise, I'd say. And he'd come over and talk to me. I had to have been flirting shamelessly with him. I mean, I know why was because, at one point, he brought up his girlfriend, I feigned interest, but then later on in the conversation, he brought her up again, showing me your business card and everything. It turns out she was a dancer and a dance teacher. I wasn't impressed. Moreover, at that point, I felt for sure he was interested. He seemed to look at me more deeply than men look at you when they're just talking to talk. So I have this crush on Joe for months and months. I mean, I would listen to songs that reminded me of him for hours on end, just imagining him standing in front of me, and his white t-shirt, his dirty jeans, oil tinge tans from working on bikes. I never knew less like that before. Well, not too long. After that. I ended up meeting his dancer girlfriend. I was doing another story. But this time, it was for a local dance school, and I ended up interviewing her. Well, her name was Megan, and she and I hit it off pretty well. Over the next few weeks, I ended up referring her to some friends who were looking for a dance school for their kids. And from that point on, we kept in somewhat regular contact. Then one day she invited me to their house. I was really nervous because she had no idea that I had a crush on her boyfriend. So this was really awkward. They lived in this fantastic warehouse that had been converted to a loft. It was livable, but the two of them were constantly making renovations to it. So I got there, and Megan showed me around, pointing out all the interesting historical features of the place. Meanwhile, Joe comes in, walks over to me, and says, Hi, sweetheart, you look stunning. I faltered in blushed, and muttered some lame. Thank you. Megan was standing right next to me. She looked up at Jo and said, God, you don't have to intimidate her. Don't you have somewhere to go? I didn't know what to make of this. Were they on bad terms? I wondered why she invited me over to their house. I wonder if she was jealous if she knew I had a crush on him. And I wondered why Joe had suddenly become overly flirtatious. With me in front of her. My mind darted to all the possibilities and landed on the most delicious of the bunch. Maybe they had some strange sex fetish with role-playing or something. And she had invited me there to help them play out their fantasy. I was hopeful. But nothing ever came of it. Several months passed, and Megan and I would meet for dinner or walks. By this time, my interest in Joe began to wane not only because of my budding friendship with Megan but also because I developed an even stronger interest in someone else. I got to the point where I would go to their house to hang out, and I'd see Joe, he'd come out to talk to me while Megan was dressing, we would sit together at the table, and he'd tell me all about the bike races he'd seen and the crashes and wins. He'd go on and on. Not only that, he leaned across their small little table, placing his hands, just millimeters remind, I remember feeling nervous about this. Like I wanted to move my hands into my lap. But if I did, it would be too obvious. I was trying to retreat. So Joe would do this kind of thing, this very flirtatious kind of thing. By leaning in close and taking every opportunity to touch me. I, of course, was baffled. I couldn't figure out what had sparked this sudden change in his attitude towards me. I guess he felt I wasn't a threat to him anymore. And I wasn't. I was friends with his girlfriend, and I wasn't even slightly interested in him. I looked at his rugged face and dirty hair and couldn't imagine what I'd been so attracted to just a few months earlier. One day Megan called and invited me to a dance performance she was having in a local theater. She told me to meet her at the stage door entrance to pick up the tickets. So I did when she came out. She handed me the envelope and said that Joe would be there for the performance as well. I didn't really think anything of it. But when I got to the lobby, I saw Joe standing at the entrance waiting. As soon as he saw me, he lit up and began to make his way through the crowd. God, I'm so glad you can make it let me buy you a drink. He said as he took my arm and steered me towards the bar without even asking what I wanted. He ordered me a rum and coke and handed it to me, beaming. I had no idea you'd be here chill. I said, where are you sitting with me? He said Didn't you get the tickets. Megan has us sitting together. We sat as close as lovers for the entire performance, he leaned over to tell me something, and I'd feel his lips on my ear. He even put his hand on my leg and his fingers pressed into the skin of my thigh. Megan is all for it. He whispered, trust me, after the performance, so we made our way down to the backstage entrance and met Megan wrapped tightly in a terrycloth robe. God, I'm so glad you can make it. She said, hugging me. Joe has been looking forward to this for weeks. Slowly, I began to understand what was happening. And even though I didn't have the same desire for Joe, as I once did, the thoughts dancing through my head made me instantly wet. So when will you be dressed? Should we wait here for you? I asked. At that moment, Joe came up behind me, took my arm, and said, Well, meet her at home sweetheart, kissed Megan, and led me away. He held my hand as we walked back to their flat, and when we got there, he unlocked the door and led me into the darkness. I watched to bewildered but also very much aroused, as he turned on the music, came back to where I was standing, and pressed his hands against my breasts. I looked up at him and let my coat drop from my shoulders to the floor. My nipples were hard against his palms, and I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. Then, he turned me around so that I was facing the back of their sofa, lifted my dress, and plunged a finger into me. I was ridiculously wet. The top of my thighs was wet as he probed me. And then I felt his tongue. He leaned down and laughed at my wet sex. As I held under the sofa for balance. I could feel his hot tongue Dart into my pussy and pressed my body backward into him for more than he stood up, right, put his hand against the small of my back, and press down, arching my back and making my swollen pussy lips that much more accessible to him. His cock was the iron heart, and I felt it first against the back of my thighs before he guided it into me. Massive penetrating me to the very end. He stroked me with it, sliding it in and out so that you could hear the sounds of my comb against his skin. A smacking and sucking sound soon he was pounding me bugging me so hard. I could feel his hip bones crushing against my buttocks and his penis filling me to capacity. And as he came as a quivered and moaned, I heard the door slam. And then Megan's voice just a few feet away saying lustily. Now that is what I was hoping to come home to
Rating: 4.4/5 (total: 32)

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Her new roommate gives her a warm welcome to the sorority.[...]
January 25, 2021
Rating: 4.4/5 (total: 32)
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Two friends watch lesbian porn for the first time and become curious to try it out by themselves.[...]
January 25, 2021
Rating: 4.7/5 (total: 46)
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Two old friends resolve the sexual tension between them in a French museum.[...]
January 25, 2021
Rating: 4.6/5 (total: 46)
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A woman gets back at her cheating husband by getting action somewhere else.[...]
January 25, 2021
Rating: 4.7/5 (total: 46)
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Josh finally turns 18 and asks her out to dinner. When they get back, he asks for something more.[...]
January 25, 2021
Rating: 4.9/5 (total: 43)
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When an assassin meets the man shes supposed to kill, she lets her desire get the better of her.[...]
January 25, 2021
Rating: 4.4/5 (total: 49)
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He catches her stealing from his store and makes her pay in a way that satisfies them both.[...]
January 25, 2021
Rating: 4.5/5 (total: 38)
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She shows them that she belongs on their turf and becomes their little bucking bronco.[...]
January 25, 2021
Rating: 4.7/5 (total: 39)
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Their Ferris Wheel stops midair, and she gives him a surprise.[...]
January 25, 2021
Rating: 4.9/5 (total: 43)
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We learn about anonymous sex and the perks of a Gloryhole, Dr. Kat reviews a masturbation sleeve, and our editor Gloria wonders about heavy petting.[...]
January 25, 2021
Rating: 4.9/5 (total: 29)
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In this episode, we learn about the diverse ways to please a woman, and Dr. Kat reviews a vibrating massager.[...]
January 25, 2021
Rating: 4.9/5 (total: 30)
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A collection of our favorite moments from season 1 of Private Lives.[...]
January 25, 2021
Rating: 5/5 (total: 33)
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